Contract & Network Update

Lisa Cyphers is a Senior Performance Improvement Analyst with the ACO. Her work includes querying our claims database and producing reports for our providers and leadership team that helps define our work across region. Lisa is an avid “mapper” mapping everything from healthcare outcomes to social determinants of health to COVID vaccine rates in the region. Her background in data analytics stems from her days at the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at CU Boulder, where she was awarded an NIMH Fellowship to pursue her MA. She then moved to New York City to take a job in the Graduate Department of Psychology at NYU. She performed statistical analyses as a Research Scientist and earned an MA in Mathematics Education. Deciding against the teaching route, Lisa joined the Northern Adirondack Medical Home team in November 2010 and has been supporting the data needs of our network providers and administrative team for nearly 12 years. She has presented maps at the Vizient Clinical Connections Summit, the AHI Leadership Summit, the Jeffords Quality Forum, and CCHD’s Action for Health.
A native of Rochester who grew up in sunny Colorado, she is a self-professed nerd who loves most aspects of data analysis – especially mapping – and all aspects of the Adirondacks near her home in Plattsburgh. According to her 18-year-old self, as depicted in the CU Boulder yearbook, she likes people and skiing!

Join us for a review of the recently submitted NYS 1115 Waiver request that will impact our region and an overview of our 2021 performance. We also plan to share the status of our new data warehouse and we want your feedback as we begin to create additional reports to support our collective work across the region. Additional updates will include the status of the BH/SUD QUIC dashboard and our continued focus on diabetes prevention and treatment in 2022. * Attending the Fall Provider meeting will help your practice meet the elements of the 2022 Citizenship Criteria. Attending this meeting satisfies one of the two Engagement criteria, one which is for providers attending one of two annual Provider meetings, and the second is attending two of the many workgroups, Provider office hours, or practice transformation sessions that the ACO offers throughout the year. Attendance at the May Provider meeting, included 60% of the ACO Providers and 83% of the Northwinds Providers. Our October meeting offers the last chance for Providers to satisfy this requirement, which when satisfied, increases your overall impact in achieving shared savings for your practice and helps you stay informed about our work across the region. Please contact Katy Cook by email or call 518-480-0111 x.329 with any questions |
Quality & Performance Update
Adirondacks ACO Receives $3.4M in Savings from the Medicare Shared Savings Program
We are pleased to announce that the Adirondacks ACO earned $3.4M in shared savings, reflecting two consecutive years of shared savings for the region’s providers. Congratulations and great work to all in achieving this milestone.
Comparing 2020 financial performance with 2021 –
- Total savings: $8,628,669 in 2021, improved from $7,879,019 in 2020.
- Eligible Shared Savings: $3,382,438.08 in 2021, improved from $3,062,968 in 2020.
The total quality score for 2021 is 91.06%, which allowed the ACO to earn the full 40% of eligible shared savings. Overall, the ACO made improvements in six out of ten quality measures – screening for fall risk, depression screening, colorectal cancer screening, breast cancer screening, diabetes – poor control, and hypertension. Slight declines in performance were reported for influenza vaccination, tobacco use and cessation intervention, statin therapy for preventative cardiovascular disease, and depression remission at twelve months.
The ACO patient experience scores were above the mean performance rate for all Medicare Shared Savings Programs for seven of the ten defined areas, with significantly higher performance for communication, health promotion and education, care coordination, courteous and helpful office staff, and overall provider rating.
According to the National Association of ACOs (NAACOS) overall the Medicare Shared Savings Program ACO model served 11 million seniors in 2021 and collectively achieved $3.6 billion in gross Medicare savings, and $1.6 billion after accounting for shared savings payments. Of the 475 ACOs, 81% achieved shared savings to Medicare with 56% achieving shared savings. Nearly all ACOs – 99% – reported and met the quality standard required to share in savings under the Shared Savings Program
It is expected that CMS will release shared savings payments to ACOs in late September. Additional communication will follow in the coming weeks regarding timing and details of distribution to participants.
ACO Spotlight
