Contract & Network Update

Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) Change for 2021

Adirondacks ACO is currently in Basic Track B for our 2020 MSSP agreement – with the opportunity for shared savings without downside risk.  This current model would have required the ACO to move to Track C in 2021 with approximately $3M in potential downside risk.  With the ongoing pandemic and recognizing the impact on value-based contracts, CMS is offering a voluntary option for ACO’s to freeze their current track for 2021.  With this option, the ACO would continue in an upside-only arrangement next year in Basic Track B, and would not be subject to downside risk as anticipated. Should Adirondacks ACO remain in the MSSP program in 2022, the ACO would move up to Basic Track D with approximately $6M in risk.

Adirondacks ACO’s Board of Managers evaluated the options and decided to continue in 2021 with current Track B continuing shared savings only, with a heightened focus on risk coding and utilization reduction to enhance performance and prepare for downside risk in 2022.

Adirondacks ACO’s Leadership Team will continue to monitor and evaluate our current program, continuing changes proposed by CMS in response to COVID-19, as well as new opportunities such as the Direct Contracting Model, the newly released Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model for rural areas, other potential new models through the CMS Innovation Center, and Medicare Advantage programs to ensure that Adirondacks ACO’s Board of Managers are fully informed about the options for our network.
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