Contract & Network Update
Adirondacks ACO Team Updates
We are excited to announce that Adirondacks ACO has added two new team members! We are pleased to welcome Katy Cook and Laura Morris to our team. Laura and Katy both have strong backgrounds in the healthcare industry and bring new ideas and perspectives to the ACO.
Katy Cook: Director of Partner Engagement
Director of Partner Engagement[/caption]Katy Cook is the Director of Partner Engagement, working in a dual role between the ACO and Adirondack Health Institute. Before her position with the ACO and AHI, she worked at AHI as the Telehealth Project Manager for nearly five years. She has also worked for the Healthcare Association of New York State in their Regulatory Affairs department and the 340B Program with Hudson Headwaters Health Network.
Laura Morris: Director of Data Analytics
Laura Morris is the Director of Data Analytics for Adirondack Health Institute and the Adirondacks ACO. Before this position, she worked at Glens Falls Hospital as a Senior Business Analyst in the Quality Management department. In this role, she provided analytical support and insights to departments across the organization on projects addressing various topics, such as patient safety, readmissions, mortality, nursing-led studies, and CMS Hospital Compare. Before her work at the hospital, she spent a decade working for New York State at the Department of Health and the Office of Mental Health.
Adirondacks ACO Citizenship Criteria
Quality & Performance Update
Data Abstraction for Measurement Year 2021
The ADK ACO Quality team and Quality leads have begun data abstraction for submission to CMS and commercial payers for measurement year (MY) 2021. The team has over 4600 charts requiring data abstraction. The deadline for data submission is February 25, 2022. The timeline allows the team to audit submitted data for accuracy, completeness, location of patient charts, along with locating data to improve overall quality score. The patient list received from CMS is based on claims received during the third quarter of MY 2021 from the participating providers within the ACO. We are very fortunate and appreciative for the dedicated team of abstractors who collaborate across the region to support the ACO’s efforts data collection efforts.
2022 Commercial Quality Goals

The performance is scored in a tiered approach, utilizing the 2020 QARR Benchmarks.
The scoring will be as follows:
- 1 point for meeting or exceeding the 50th Percentile
- 2 points for meeting or exceeding the 75th Percentile
- 3 points for meeting or exceeding the 90th Percentile
Overall performance will be calculated on the Total 39 points which is equal to 100%.
Thank you for your tireless efforts to support our patients and communities during these uncertain times.
If you have any questions please reach out to Brenda Stiles,